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Innovation: The Future Impact on Education

» Educational technology widely used today.

» The imminent disruptive impact of AI.

» The bombshell that ends conventional education.

» Advice for academics.

We already know that teaching and learning can be performed online via video conferencing (e.g. Z---), website multimedia content and interactions, asynchronous communications (E----, F-----), synchronous communication and collaboration tools, sharing, virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), quizzes and online exams. That was phase one of the innovative impact of technology in education, but a much greater impact is to follow in this decade!

Technologies driven by artificial intelligence (AI) will have a disruptive impact on conventional models of education, and on academics and students.

For example, the high costs of higher education (in universities) means that those models will be quickly disrupted by autonomous learning. The typical daily work load of academics will be significantly reduced (in terms of time spent per student), along with the associated costs. Similarly, the need for so much expensive equipment in practicals can be reduced via modern simulations, interactions, VR and AR. Students will benefit from lower course fees, and the ability to conduct more learning remotely online at a time that suits them. This means that more prospective students will choose educational organisations that offer these modern, cost effective, ways of learning and avoid old expensive models of education.

Another disruptive approach is micro-learning on demand. We have already seen the "nano-degree" model where a MOOC like platform is used to deliver specific skills that lead to an actual job (for the most able students). AI can take this further to the point where real-time training is given to complete a specific job / task, as and when required.

And here is the bombshell: by arranging micro-learning on demand in a hierarchical manner the need for conventional courses, in conventional colleges and universities, is removed! Those educational establishments that survive will be focused on developing these modern solutions to education, and delivering relevant support services. Some establishments might survive by providing a hybrid approach: mixing outstanding or unique conventional teaching with modern automation.

[For those that did not know the above words in brackets were Zoom, Email and Forums.]

[For those (academics) doubtful about AI, see: the solutions that won XPRIZEs for autonomous child and adult learning; GPT-3 natural language processing; and the intelligent Google Duplex voice assistant! As an academic, the worst thing you can do for your career is to ignore this article.]

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If you require inspiration for your future vision then the following short sci-fi story might help: Education 2049: Looking forward to the great journey.

About the Author

You can benefit from the expertise of a world class innovator and winner of global innovation prizes!

Innovation Future Specialist is the winner of two challenges for the world famous XPRIZE Foundation, and an advisor in the XPRIZE Community for future innovations. Relevant experience includes providing innovative educational solutions for over 15 years.

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Fri 16 Jul 15:11:19 BST 2021