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This shows options for managing privacy. Two privacy options for patients are shown below: quick and detailed.

The following quick option allows a patient to opt in to all (anonymous) data dissemination, or just the minimum necessary to provide the service.

Select your desired level of privacy: minimum; or comprehensive dissemination (with benefits).


The minimum option only shares your personal details with those parties that need those details to process your prescription and deliver your medication.

Minimum shares the following: name, phone number, email and address with pharmacy and courier; and the prescription and insurance policy number with pharmacy and your health insurer.


The comprehensive option shares your personal details with those parties that need those details to process your prescription and deliver your medication; and it shares anonymous aspects of your data with other parties. If you select this option you get extra functionality and benefits.

Comprehensive shares the following: name, phone number, email and address with pharmacy and courier; the prescription and insurance policy number with pharmacy and your health insurer; and the following anonymous data is shared with third parties - location (state and city), age, sex, medical condition, medication (type, dose and duration), and your feedback.

You get extra functionality and benefits if you select this comprehensive option:

» entry into the $5000 prize draw

» complementary specialist support from our medical practitioners; and

» monthly publications of ACME Prescribe with guides and tips for a healthier lifestyle, and the latest findings from our data analysis and research.

» You also get to use our brand new advanced AI interface, which can answer all your questions about your medical condition, prescription progress and medication.

Minimum dissemination

Comprehensive dissemination with benefits

The following detailed option allows a patient to opt in or out of each privacy aspect.

Select the data that you are willing to share. If you share all the following data you will get benefits [as above].

Minimum data required to process your prescription:
✓ name, phone number, email and address with pharmacy and courier; and
✓ the prescription and insurance policy number with pharmacy and your health insurer.

Anonymous data shared with third parties:
location (state and city)
age, sex, medical condition
medication (type, dose and duration), and
your feedback.


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