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Ted's Guide to Christmas

Teddy bear reading a book Hello, my name is Ted. I am a cuddly character, with a simple attitude to life, and well read. I tell it like it is, in simple plain language. So you will not need your encyclopedia of jargon: "Jar be gone".

Instead of lolling around in the bedroom all day I decided to write a few short guides to business and other stuff.

Merry christmas and a happy new year

It is the season to be jolly so let me start by wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Other than being jolly, merry and happy, what is the meaning of Christmas? Well as is often the case there is a clue in the word, right there: Christ. You can learn more about this in the good book, which has many pages. It takes a long time to read that book, and like other books written in an old language style it makes me tired. So, if like me you want to remain awake, here is a short story.

Ted's Short Story

Many years ago, people had what they needed to survive and were content with the environment in which they lived. The boss was pleased with this scenario, but his supervisor wanted to change things. So without permission, the supervisor injected new attributes into the minds of people. Some became unsatisfied with the scenario, and their new found greed wanted more and more. No matter how much they got they would never be satisfied, and they would nag and nag. Some acquired the desire to explore; and some acquired the knowledge to learn how to change their environment. This latter point would start their own doomsday clock - initially slow ticking, but becoming faster century by century.

The boss was angry with his supervisor and the supervisor got demoted: sent down, way down! From that point on the vengeful supervisor would be a constant menace to every individual, by tempting them to want more, stoking their greed and dissatisfaction. The boss also threw out the unsatisfied, greedy, naggers. And so it was: unsatisfied people spread across the world.

Centuries past and the boss sent a light of hope, faith, wisdom and love. For those that actively listened to the new message, and understood its meaning, their unsatisfactory attributes were overcome and they became joyful. But it would not always be so: the vengeful supervisor - knowing the weakness of each individual - continues to offer temptation.

The joyful resisted temptation, and adopted the message of tolerance, gratitude and love.

Go ahead and be joyful this Christmas.

Thu 16 Dec 13:59:44 GMT 2021