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Progress to Level 2

This is the quiz to access Level 2 of The Innovative Innovation Book.

Relatively small, easily achievable, innovations are most likely to be what type of innovation?

The null hypothesis. Incremental innovation. Radical innovation. Disruptive innovation.

Read the first chapter to find the answer.

Yes, good. Incremental innovation is likely to have less risk than radical innovation, but if successful the latter will probably deliver a much greater impact.

Which option best summarises the risks?

Ignoring innovation is risky. Incremental innovation is risky. Radical innovation is very risky. All of the above. By adopting an effective innovation process all risks are removed.

Read the first chapter to find the answer.

Yes, well done. It is important to remember that. The following levels show some steps to reduce and manage risk.

Which areas can innovation be applied to? Select the best option.

Innovation can only be used in the creative sector. Innovation can only be used by scientists. The development of technology is the only application of innovation. Innovation can be applied to any area.

Read the first chapter to find the answer.

Yes. The next level shows a generic process that works in any area!

Innovation does a lot of good, but what is the "bad" aspect of innovation?

People and organisations that ignore innovation. Failed innovation attempts. Environmental degradation as a consequence of innovation. Intentionally creating an innovation that has a negative impact.

Read the good / bad / ugly chapter to find the answer.

Yes - such as killer autonomous robots.

Innovation does a lot of good, but what is the "ugly" aspect of innovation?

People and organisations that ignore innovation. Failed innovation attempts. Making massive profits, at the expense of those that did not innovate. Sometimes things go wrong, or unexpected things happen, and this has a negative impact.

Read the good / bad / ugly chapter to find the answer.

Yes - such as environmental pollution.

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Fri 19 Jun 16:46:02 BST 2020