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The good, the bad and the ugly of innovation


So now that you know what innovation is, and the amazing things it can achieve, it is time to look at its impact from more perspectives: the good, the bad and the ugly.

Clint Eastwood of the film The good, the bad and the ugly This will open your eyes to the power and impact of innovation. It takes a look at its impact from various perspectives including the benefits, risks, winners, losers, and what the future may bring. This is important because you will become aware of how innovation can benefit, and protect, you and your organisation. It also provides inspiration for you to consider the sustainability of the products and services in your organisation, and its long term survival. It is hoped that you will innovate effectively and play nicely. It has benefits too.

The three perspectives we will look at are described below.

» Good - This is where innovation is consciously used to deliver positive benefits. This is probably the most popular intention of organisations that pursue innovation.

» Bad - The intent, or consequence, of some innovators has a negative impact on a target group.

» Ugly - Sometimes things go wrong, or unexpected things happen, and this has a negative impact.

(In case you did not know, that is Clint Eastwood, star of the classic movie The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)

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Fri 19 Jun 16:32:27 BST 2020